- The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers(Japanese)
- The Japan Association for Social and Economic Systems Studies (Japanese)
- The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
- The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan
- The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
- The Operations Research Society of Japan
- Japanese Academy of Facial Studies (Japanese)
- The Japan Society Mechanical Engineering
- The Japan Institute of Metals
- The Behaviormetric Society of Japan
- The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity
- The Society of Materials Science, Japan
- Materials Science Society of Japan
- Japanese Neural Network Society
- The Textile Machinery Society of Japan
- The City Planning Institute of Japan
- The Virtual Reality Society of Japan
- Human Interface Society (Japanese)
- The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
- The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan
- The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan
- The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
- The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- The Chemical Society of Japan
- The Japanese Society of Social Psychology
- The Society for Biotechnology, Japan
- The Ceramic Society of Japan
- The Japanese Society for Quality Control
- The Society for Fashion Business (Japanese)
- Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
- Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
- The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
- Japan Industrial Management Association
- The Color Science Association of Japan (Japanese)
- Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
- The Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses (Japanese)
- Japanese Cognitive Science Society (Japanese)
- The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
- The Society of Polymer Science, Japan
- Japan Society of Civil Engineers
- Japan Association on Odor Environment
- The Japanese Association for the Study of Taste and Smell
- The Japanese Psychological Association
- The Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan (Japanese)
- Architectural Institute of Japan
- Society for Science on Form, Japan (Japanese)
- Information Processing Society of Japan
- The Robotics Society of Japan
- The Japan Association of Real Options and Strategy
- Japan Ergonomics Society
- Design & Emotion Society
- IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
- Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (Chinese)