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Kansei Engineering

This is the journal of the Japan Society of Kansei Engineering.
We are focusing our efforts on producing special features on themes we select for each issue and providing timely issues for discussion. Furthermore, as information for members of the Society, the journal contains topics including the presentation of doctorate theses about Kansei engineering, explanations of key words, reports on international conferences, research sub-committee reports, and information about the support, etc. of related societies.
Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering

This is a collection of academic papers in Japanese that presents a wide range of research results in the field of Kansei engineering with the aim of contributing to the development of that field.
Academic papers submitted for publication are peer reviewed by referees selected by the responsible member of the Editorial Committee and then the Academic Paper Screening Editorial Committee carefully deliberates based on the result of the peer review. The papers approved by the latter committee are published in the Transactions.
International Journal of Affective Engineering
(Formerly, Kansei Engineering International Journal)

This is an international on-line journal organized and published by Japan Society of Kansei Engineering and supported by J-STAGE to widely present research, development and application results in the field of Kansei engineering and affective engineering.
Academic papers submitted for publication are peer reviewed by referees selected by the responsible member of the Editorial Committee and then the Academic Paper Screening Editorial Committee carefully deliberates based on the result of the peer review. The papers approved by the latter committee are published in this international journal.
Website: International Journal of Affective Engineering
J-STAGE(Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator Electronic)
J-STAGE is a system which supports science and technology information-related electronic journal release in Japan.