Brain Science and its related research fields

A special issue on “Brain Science and its related research fields” in Kansei Engineering International Journal

A forthcoming volume of Kansei Engineering International Journal will be published as a special issue of Bran Science. The aims of this decision by Editorial Committee are to better understand the possible academic and technological contribution of Brain Science to Kansei Engineering for the society members of JSKE and to build up new research connections among the members. This issue will invite interesting papers dealing with topics, idea, research, and survey in themes of Brain Sciences such as perception, emotion, attention and cognition, etc., as well as in a variety of related fields, including human factors, psychology, behavior, neuroeconomics, marketing, and design.

We request to you please submit your interesting manuscript of Original and/or Review Articles, both of which contain 4 to 10 printed pages. A Research or Technical Note, which is less than 4 printed pages, will be also considered as a short paper. All manuscripts should be appropriately prepared according to the descriptions in “Submit a Paper”, and will be peer-reviewed by experts prior to the final decision for publication by the Committee.

Dead line of paper submission: December 31, 2011

Submission to: Dr Setsuji Hisano, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 305-8577, JAPAN
(e-mail to:

Submission form: Electric version of manuscript only as attachments of the text, table, line drawing, half-tone and photograph with a covering letter, in which the author(s) should describe the article type. Because too large size of data will not be received with our server system, please send me one that was optimally sized down at submission.

| 2011/09/09