Special Issue of ICBAKE2019: Call for Extended Papers of ISIS2019 & ICBAKE2019

2019年11月 8日
Special Issue of ICBAKE2019: Call for Extended Papers of ISIS2019 & ICBAKE2019

Special Issue of ICBAKE2019:
Call for Extended Papers of ISIS2019&ICBAKE2019 (The 20th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems and 2019 International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering).

A forth coming volume of International Journal of Affective Engineering (IJAE) will be published as a Special Issue of Biometrics and Kansei Engineering. The objective of this Special Issue is to discuss new theories and applications related to “Kansei” in Biometrics and Kansei Engineering field.
This Special Issue solicits extended paper submission from authors who presented their original works in the ISIS2019&ICBAKE2019, held in Jeju island, Korea on December 4-7, 2019.

The authors are requested to submit a manuscript which contains 6 to 10 printed pages, as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. A research or technical note, which is less than or equal to 4 printed pages, will be considered as a short paper.
All manuscripts have to be prepared in accordance with the JSKE’s Rules for Publication. For more information on the submission, please read over the descriptions at “Submit a Paper” in the website below:
http://archives.jske.org/publication/?lang=english .

For paper submission, we request authors to add one cover page that describes
(1) Paper title and authors’ names, affiliations, and contact information with e-mail address,
(2) Abstract of the paper,
(3) Description that briefly clarifies what is the difference between the already published paper in ISIS2019&ICBAKE2019 Proceedings and the submitted paper for this Special Issue.

Furthermore, in the submitted paper, the authors have to
(1) change the title from the already published paper in ISIS2019&ICBAKE2019 proceedings,
(2) revise the already published paper and make its content different more than 40%,
(3) cite the already published paper.

Deadline of paper submission : February 29th, 2020. → March 31st, 2020 (Extended)
Submission Fees:  10,500 yen
Page Fees:  http://archives.jske.org/publication/guide/

For papers submission, use our reviewing system, the editorial manager (EM), by logging in here:

By this system, you may also check the progress of your paper review.

If you enter into EM, choose “Article” or “Note” in Article Type, next step upload your paper, and choose “Special Issue on ICBAKE” in Select Section /Category. The paper format for submission is limited to Adobe PDF.

If the prospective authors have any questions, please contact to:
Editors of the special issue
Makoto Fukumoto (E-mail: fukumoto@fit.ac.jp), Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Jun-ichi Imai (E-mail: imai@cs.it-chiba.ac.jp), Chiba Institute of Technology
Akihiro Ogino (E-mail: ogino@cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp), Kyoto Sangyo University

Call for Papers | 2019/11/08