Kansei Engineering International Vol.3No.1-2(009-010)

- タイトル Kansei Engineering International Vol.3No.1-2(009-010)
- カテゴリ 論文誌
- 発行日1970年1月01日
- 在庫なし
VOL.3 NO.1(009) NOVEMBER 2001
1 Sensory Evaluation for Triangles
– Estimation of Impression in Designing (2)
Eiko SAITO, Mieko TAGAWA and Takashi TAGAWA
7 Reverse Inference of Impressions for Triangles
– Estimation of Impression in Designing (3)
Eiko SAITO, Mieko TAGAWA and Takashi TAGAWA
11 An Impression Evaluation Model for Apparel Product Retrieval Based on Image Analysis
Hye-Jun PARK, Eri KOYAMA, Takao FURUKAWA, Masayuki TAKATERA, Yoshio SHIMIZU and Hyungsup KIM
19 Bowstring Evaluation Based on Kansei Engineering Technology
Satoshi HOSOYA, Takashi KAWAMURA and Yousuke HORIBA
25 Influence of Consumers’ Awareness of the Environment Over Their Purchasing Behaviors, and Pursuit of Environment-Conscious Product Concepts (3)
Shin’ya NAGASAWA and Pi-Ju TSAI
VOL.3 NO.2(010) FEBRUARY 2002
1 An Emotional Feature Analysis in Speech Signals
Mie SATO, Miyuki AKATSUKA, Yoshito MEKADA and Masao KASUGA
7 An Illustration Drawing System Reflecting Impression of Face
Maki KATAOKA and Masafumi HAGIWARA
17 Fewer Children Aged Society and Intellectual Property Right Policy
23 Haptic Evaluation of Malay Females’ Traditional Clothes in Kansei Perspective
Nazlina SHAARI, Fumio TERAUCHI, Mitsunori KUBO and Hiroyuki AOKI
会員1,000円(不課税) 一般3,000円(税込)
2022年1月1日請求分から会員 1,100円(税込)、一般 3,300円(税込)に改定いたします。